Dictys rescues the infant Perseus and his mother from the chest. Painting by Guy Fiero.
Dictys (DIK-tis). Fisherman or shepherd of Seriphos. Dictys gave shelter to Perseus and his mother Danae when the tide washed them up on his island. They had been set adrift in a chest by Perseus's grandfather, who had been warned by an oracle that he would die by the hand of a son born to Danae. After the death of King Polydectes, Dictys ruled the island kingdom.

Dictys rescues the infant Perseus and his mother from the chest. Painting by Guy Fiero.
Dictys (DIK-tis). Fisherman or shepherd of Seriphos. Dictys gave shelter to Perseus and his mother Danae when the tide washed them up on his island. They had been set adrift in a chest by Perseus's grandfather, who had been warned by an oracle that he would die by the hand of a son born to Danae. After the death of King Polydectes, Dictys ruled the island kingdom.